Editing Services

Being a part of the writing community is such a joy, and I love working with other authors to dive into what makes their story shine. My feedback will be a mix of cheerleading and actionable notes because I believe encouragement is a huge part of maintaining momentum when revising. That said, I’m here to help make your story even stronger than it already is and that will involve work. If you’re up for it, let’s do it!

Contact cylablair@gmail.com to get started.

Query letter critique – $25 CAD

I’ll help you tease out your main character’s personal stakes and form a pitch to help you catch agent attention. Includes a second pass review of changes.

Submission package critique – $50 CAD

Includes query letter and first ten pages. I’ll help you polish your query and opening to introduce your character and world while grabbing readers’ attention.

Developmental edits – 0.010 cents a word CAD

Let’s dive in! Developmental edits allow me to work with you on the story as a whole — including plots beats, character arcs, world building and pacing. I’ll deliver you a thorough edit letter as well as make in-document comments along the way. I’m invested in working with you on your manuscript, and will be open over email or Twitter DMs to brainstorm and talk through any questions you might have.


Having worked with Cyla as a critique partner for over a year, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her services. She provides astute, thoughtful critiques with a balanced view of what is working well, and what can be improved to really make a piece sing. Cyla also creates gorgeous digital art and with a wealth of knowledge and experience in marketing, she can craft and tailor a marketing plan to suit your work. Cyla presents a unique holistic approach to editorial and marketing, taking into account your work, author brand and creative style to best deliver the advice you need for your project. 

Rachel Greenlaw – MG, YA, WF Author

I’ve been so thankful for Cyla’s feedback in polishing up some of my own pages. With a skilled editorial eye, Cyla thoughtfully reads through a manuscript and finds meaningful ways to make it shine.

Lorelei Savaryn – Author of Circus of Stolen Dreams, Philomel/Penguin Fall 2020